
We, at The Cassandra Report, believe that the mass media consistently hides or shades the truth. The media locks us in Plato’s cave and we are only permitted to see the shadows of the true forms of our society. However, we are most fortunate to live in the Age of the Internet, which allows individuals to become honest reporters and gives voice to the otherwise voiceless to expose the special effects con artists hiding behind the curtains. Together, we have a golden opportunity to transform society in much the same way that the Gutenberg press changed the world.

We will gladly accept original submissions from anybody who does not remember where he or she was when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot. Although we are happy to accept your commentary on the news, we would love for you to report actual news whenever possible. If there is a news story happening near you, please feel free to “go get it” and share with us your on-the-scene perspective. On occasion, we, too, have personally been on the scene of “news events” and were shocked at how inaccurately they were all reported by the media. We believe that “sneakers on the ground” are far better than the daily pre-digested pap we get from the “professionals”. This is especially true if you have a digital camera and can document what you saw and heard.

The Cassandra Report is a work-in-progress so, at the present time, we cannot pay for any contributions. Telling your story to the world is your only reward. To protect our intrepid contributors, especially in countries where freedom of the press is an illusion, you are invited to choose a pseudonym that is the name of any available character from Homer’s Illiad. This will be your permanent contributor’s identity which we will preserve with strictest of confidentiality.