Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

— by Hephaestus It seems to me that those fellas in Washington figure that we can get terrorists to expose their plots and buddies, using methods the methods of Monty Python’s version of the Spanish Inquisition. http://tinyurl.com/lbr7fj2

Immigration Immolation

— by Odysseus Since the mid-term election drubbing received by the Democrats, there has been a great deal of talk about whether the now lamest-of-lame-duck presidents, President Barack Hussein Obama will seek to unilaterally change United States federal immigration laws…

Mid-Term Election Proves Limbaugh Wrong

— by Odysseus The sweeping defeat of the Democratic party in the 2014 mid-term election provides evidence that the theory that notable radio commentator Rush Limbaugh has been advancing in the last couple of weeks has serious flaws. Mr. Limbaugh…

Obama’s “October Surprise”

— by Polydamas We here at The Cassandra Times are, among other things, avid students of history, the classics, philosophy, and politics. The analysis and predictions that we present in this website are based on our years of academic study,…

Cyber Hackers or Neck Hackers?

— by Odysseus On September 2, 2014, Islamic Society of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists released a video that appears to show that they have now beheaded Steven Sotloff, a second American journalist who was in their custody. Steven Sotloff,…