Arrogant Incompetence: Pathological Narcissism on Display

— by Odysseus
The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama is nearly over, and a theme has developed. The rearward perspective of history tends to aggregate events and see patterns that were imperceptible when the events were occurring. Part of this is that the patterns cannot be identified as easily in formation as when all the pieces are in place, but part of this is human nature to place events into a narrative that is easier to both remember and also from which we can extrapolate lessons. The “narrative” of Barak Obama is useful in both senses.
Mr. Obama, his campaign, his presidency, and his supporters (and possibly his generation) are are study in “hubris”. The idea that a very young, first term senator whose only background of actual employment was that of a state legislator who mostly voted “present”, a “community organizer” which means “street agitator”, and as a part-time academic could be the President of the United States in the 21st century was ridiculous.
The conceit of his supporters that he was the most brilliant genius to have occupied the oval office merely because he sounded good on the stump and seems to have graduated from Harvard Law School was foolhardy. It was further completely unfounded because this was the first presidential candidate that we had zero information about his actual academic achievements. His grades at all levels of college have been suppressed like a state secret. We had no access to his PSAT score, SAT scores, ACT scores, LSAT score, or even a childhood IQ test. Now, granted, none of these things are dispositive on any individual’s “intelligence”. However in the aggregate, they can give some clue as to intellectual prowess, and this does become relevant when the claimant purports to have such overwhelming mental acumen that he proposes to be able to “improve” upon every national structure that has made this country successful.
So, Mr. Obama and his supporters claimed that someone with zero record of achievement, and zero documented intellectual potential, had a plan to totally transform America into something better. However, he laid out no details of this plan. He talked a great deal about “fairness”, “justice”, “betterment”, “education”, “development”, and nearly every word in the English language that has a positive connotation, but he did not lay out any specific means to get there.
When he did actually indicate a general direction of possible policy, it always could be found using the words of failed communist, socialist, and re-distributionist schemes whose long track record of failure had relegated them to the ash-bins of the history of economics and politics. They were lovely, heartwarming fantasies that had never worked upon implementation, but, rather, had always created poverty and tyranny.
So the man with zero achievements, zero documented intellectual potential, and zero plan for governance, selected as his campaign symbol . . .  a red, white, and blue “zero” which he emblazoned upon every surface his artists could emblazon it. Yet, the GOP candidate managed to lose to this “zero” because America was so desperate to vote for a black president and expiate a collective guilt complex.
Now Americans find themselves after four years of a “zero” presidency.
What has this  man wrought? It is a litany of failure:
– The median net worth of Americans is down and falling.
– The median income is down to 1995 levels and falling.
– The unemployment rate is, at best, still above 8.0% and, by many measures, above 11%.
– Civil liberties are still being curtailed, and, at an increasing rate, Obama has taken the position that he can assassinate U.S. citizens living overseas so long as he calls them terrorists.
– The Arab world still hates us, only now they feel free to overrun embassies and kill ambassadors.
– Iran is still on track to have get nuclear weapons.
– Insurgency still growing in Afghanistan.
– American on Food Stamps has more than doubled.
– The national debt growing by a trillion dollars a year.
– American credit rating downgraded for the first time in history.
– Can anyone claim that “race relations” in America are now better than when he was inaugurated?
– Gasoline prices are more than twice what they were on his inauguration day.
– Zero progress on American energy independence. In fact, his actions were consistently to stymie or shut down domestic energy production while giving billions to Brazil to develop their off-shore oil resources.
– Health care costs have risen.
After an Obama first term, Americans are less safe, less wealthy, costs of living have gone up while income has gone down. America is less respected in the world and less feared. The country is less unified.In defiance of the laws of mathematics, America added “Zero”, but ended up not with even the same, but even less!
The truly fascinating question is how the race seems so close. How can it be that such an abject failure can even be considered for re-election? Who sold us this zero-cypher to begin with? Who has been successfully selling Americans “nothing” at the fabulous price of trillions of dollars?
The inescapable answer is that the info-tainment industry on both the east and west coast has decided to cover up each and every failure. The info-tainment industry is utterly committed to propping up this “zero”. The “journos” and the celebrities are desperately working to protect their proxy. The news media has become a unified force with the “dream factory” and now seek to mesmerize the public, guiding them to cast their votes in a fashion reflecting the imaginary world of the artist’s fiction, rather than what has actually happened in the real world. They have been selling “nothing” and making billions on it for decades now. What is acting, talking, and computer illusion really? It is nothing, it is fiction, it is elaborate lying to lull the viewer into willingly participate in illusion.
The question now is whether America has become so drugged, so deluded, so encased in our worlds of fiction from the television, the movie, and the video game that we are unable to recognize reality? Whether we will allow ourselves to be blindly led by the Hollywood hypnotists or can we awaken to the smell of smoke in the house?
This is now a struggle between objective reality and the purveyors of lotus dreams. In order for Mitt Romney to win, it will have to be because the citizens have refused to continue buying the “zero” and recognize that they have been lied to. Even greater than the actual results  of this election will be the answer to this question.
If America refuses to continue listening to the info-tainment industry, if the voters have spied the man behind the curtain and refuse to listen to the instruction to ignore him, if the info-tainment industry loses its influence from their overreach to prop up this “zero” then it is a new future for America. What happens when the citizenry has  finally awakened and refuses to be manipulated.