American Embassy Stormed on 9/11: It’s Not Because of a Film

by Odysseus

Here, at The Cassandra Times, we believe that it is our primary mission to give you, our readers, the analysis to make sense of the news of the day. Oftentimes the “traditional media” misinforms the public (or disinforms the public) by stating facts without context. At this time, it is unknown if these “half-truths” are intentional propaganda or, rather, the product of ignorance and time constraints by the “journos”. In the end, it matters not because the voting public, a full branch of governance in the Republic, remains too ill-informed to make rational decisions. Here, at The Cassandra Times, we will explain the rest of the story, put it in context, and provide cogent analysis even if nobody is listening. The full story on the embassy sieges of September 11, 2012 is as follows.

The “Muslim Brotherhood” and its affiliated terror groups have dominated populist politics in the Islamic world for decades and they are all ideologically tied together by their following of the writings of Sayyid Qutub. The Brotherhood (or Al Ikhwan Al Musilimun) shares its origins in the violent politics of the inter-war years with Facism and Nazism. Like those movements, it claims to seek a return to an idealized, ethnically or religiously pure community of ancient times, which, in this case, is the Caliphate circa 632-644 A.D. The Brotherhood was formed in 1928 in reaction to Turkey’s Kemal Attaturk’s 1924 abolition of the last vestiges of the Caliphate. The Brotherhood and its members have always been connected to the various political terror groups throughout the 20th and now the 21st century up to an including Ayman al-Zawahiri, the present leader of Al Qaeda, who joined Al Ikhwan when it was still being led by Qutub. It was the Brotherhood that was largely credited with the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in the early 1980s after he signed peace accords with Israel.

What happened in the weeks leading up to the storming of the US Embassies was that one or more of the Islamicist groups connected to the Brotherhood decided that it wanted to attack the United States again on the 11th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. The hallmark of Al Qaeda was to be able to launch simultaneous, coordinated attacks in different locations. This was demonstrated by their United States embassy bombings in Nairobi and Kenya on August 7, 1998, during the Clinton administration, which took the lives of 12 Americans and more than 200 Africans. This pattern continued with the attacks of September 11, 2001, the foiled attacks of “Operation Bojinka” which aimed to blow up multiple United States airliners as they flew over the Pacific Ocean during the Clinton administration, and, in 2004, the foiled attempt to take or destroy multiple United States-bound airliners from Great Britain  in the “liquid explosives” plot during the Bush administration.

The Islamofacist network is much degraded following America’s global War on Terror and is more limited in its capabilities. However, this network wished to launch an “anniversary attack” on the United States on September 11, 2012 and used the means at its disposal to accomplish its goals. The Islamofascists chose targets of opportunity and proximity that fell within their operational reach, the embassies. They knew that an effective tactic in these countries was to whip up an “angry mob” to direct at the target. They placed their operational personnel in the chosen target cities, keeping them informed on how to organize and implement the attacks. They sought out some event, device or speech that could be characterized as an “insult to Islam” and passed that information to their operatives. The operatives then used that information, in a coordinated fashion, to whip up mobs of fanatics on the agreed-upon day and time.

The operatives were, no doubt, amongst the mob, directing and steering its activities toward the desired objective, the attacks on the embassies and the murder of the United States diplomatic personnel in Libya as well as the Ambassador.  If there is video footage, it will help identify who the terrorist organizers were. The news is slowly leaking out that members of the mob were armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades.  This was, no doubt, the plan for the Egyptian attack as well. However, security personnel in the Egyptian embassy were willing to fire on the attackers, breaking the mob’s will before it could fully accomplish its objective. Coordinated rifle fire, even as a “warning shot”, was sufficient. There has been little coverage of the attacks on diplomatic sites in Tunisia and Yemen that have occurred as well.

While the politicians and media will devote a great deal of their efforts to discuss the unknown film that was supposedly “insulting to Mohamed” and how it supposedly sparked these attacks, this is an utter “red herring”. These were coordinated attacks on United States interests that were, in reality, anniversary attacks for September 11, 2001. What the mainstream commentators either fail to understand or are choosing to hide is that the coordinated Islamofacist war against America continues.

America’s enemies in the Muslim world understand that ideas are weapons and beliefs can be “weaponized”. The human mind is like a computer, and ideas, religions, philosophy or beliefs are like software. Just like the “Stuxnet” virus invaded computer systems and caused breakdown and physical damage to Iranian centrifuges, so, too, can human minds be controlled or manipulated through ideology. The “virus” of religious outrage is fed into vulnerable human minds, and their bodies then become the instruments of destruction directed by the authors of the “virus”. It is “the power of flesh”, as described in the first “Conan” movie of the 1980s.

The United States and the leadership of the West still refuse to acknowledge that warfare can be conducted on the front of the human mind. This form of “information warfare” is a warfare of ideology, and, since the West is, at present, unwilling to engage the Islamofascists on this front, this is our undefended flank where our opponents will choose to fight. “Multiculturalism” has been Western Civilization’s unilateral disarmament on the battlefield of the human mind and our opponents have just demonstrated yet again that this information warfare weapon is both effective and deadly in both strategic and even tactical settings.

In direct contrast to President Obama’s statements about the attacks, we had best get back into the business of criticizing and undermining the ideas, beliefs, and articles of faith of our opponents just as we did during the 20th Century with “communism”. One always loses a fight when one is utterly reliant on defense and  dares not be offensive.


Author’s note: while writing this piece, other commentators started to catch up.