It’s the Democrats Who Need More Dead Kids

— by Odysseus

In America, in Florida this time, there has been another school shooting. There is the usual chase-around as to causes, with the left and the right, each speculating as to the cause of this peculiar, post-cold-war phenomena. Yet every time this happens, nothing is done to make any to attempt prevent it happening again. This begs the question why?

The sad answer lies in the fact that there is a particular group that benefits by school shootings happening again. The people who want new gun laws want the killings to keep happening. After all, who would listen to their calls for new gun registration, banning weapons or gun confiscation if this was not happening? Their demand that people give up liberties and items that they like would fall on deaf ears.

This is the the simple reason why no solution other than “banning guns” is ever acceptable or even attempted to prevent these tragedies. Leftists actually want — and need — dead kids. The leftists need martyrs to muddy the American people’s thinking so they can slip their agenda through while people are still crying.

The obtainable information shows that 100% of the school shooters were not only mentally ill, but on psychoactive medications of various types. Does this mean that all kids who take Ritalin, or Zoloft, or Paxil, etc. are going to be mass killers? Of course not. However, when there is 100% correlation, the medication issue bears examining.

For many prescription medications, the warning labels include instructions that the taker of the pills not operate heavy machinery or not drive. Since the contraindications on most of these psychoactive drugs include warnings about rare cases of depression worsening, suicidal ideations, and other signs of disordered thinking, perhaps the users of these drugs should be advised not to have firearms available while on or during the immediate time period after getting off the medication?

This drug angle is not discussed because the leftist agenda requires the only solution to be more “gun control” or “gun bans”. The millions upon millions of law abiding gun owners, who have shown zero tendency towards crime or mental illness, are the true target.

Also, all other possible solutions are rejected out of hand. It is pointless to propose solutions like the restoration of the draft so all people have not only an opportunity to form a bonding of citizenry in a common purpose. Or to acquire the skills that would help in a violent, mass casualty situation. The modern leftist elites have no interest.

It is pointless to propose using the Department of Education to create programs that would incentivize military veterans to become teachers and work in schools (rather than mostly going to law enforcement) so that we would have trained, experienced defenders on hand to protect and guide students in emergency situations. The modern leftist elites reject such ideas without a second’s consideration.

It is somehow not worth to note, silly even, for voters to consider the fact that we regularly secure venues other than schools without changing gun laws. Somehow, we have managed to create safety zones to reduce the possibility of gun violence in airports, sporting events, concerts, both state and local government buildings, museums, jewelry stores, pawn shops, and every local bank branch, but somehow we cannot secure our schools.

Every suggestion that we use security measures similar to other locations we’d like to secure is disregarded as unworkable or “too expensive”. Suddenly, we can’t afford armed guards or bulletproof glass or metal detectors or limited access points. We cannot discuss having armed plainclothes personnel or trained concealed weapon permit holders who are teachers or coaches, as well as armed guards, on the premises like any other secure location, protected politician or celebrity event.

It would seem clear to any observer that, in our society, other assets like gold or cash or entertainment are more important than our children. Thus, we are more willing to take active steps to protect what we find truly valuable, rather than merely our children. According to the modern leftist Democrats, the only possible way to protect children is to pass more gun laws.

Any thinking person can see that we do not even need to understand the underlying cause of the insanity of the mass shooters to see that actual security efforts would be a good idea. The security would protect the children not only from the lunatics, but it could also help protect them from Islamist-inspired terrorist attacks, should those begin to happen in this country, as they already have been happening in many other parts of the world.

Clearly, the leftists in the modern Democrat Party and their propaganda wing in the mass infotainment/entertainment industries just don’t care about protecting kids so much as we protect the elites themselves or their jewellery or their money.

Alternatively, perhaps there is the possibility that our “elites”, politicians, and media do not really want to protect the schools because, in reality, the Democrats need more dead kids to pass their gun control agenda. They are disinterested in trying anything else and they will not even entertain making the effort because those efforts just might work.

If these practical solutions worked and stopped or greatly reduced the casualties at school shooting, that very success would undermine the leftists’ efforts to achieve what they are truly after. The only explanation for their obstinate lack interest or effort at any solution other than demonizing gun owners and the National Rifle Association is that they need those dead kids to push their real purpose, which is more gun control.

So why do they want new gun laws — and in their more candid admissions — gun confiscation?

It is the same reason they want to censor conservative speech from the Internet. It is the same reason they get mobs to shout down conservative speakers on campuses. It is the same reason they call Trump voters “deplorables”, rather than discussing their fellow citizens’ very real concerns. It is the same reason that they tear down monuments and advocate “globalism” and “multiculturalism”, and are more concerned about the “rights” of any foreign national, either illegally present in the US or in a combat zone overseas, than the safety, prosperity or privacy of any lawful United States citizen.

The modern left, as distinguished from true liberalism of the past, is, at its core, simply anti-Americanism. The sole unifying element to all their various positions, which often seem mutually exclusive or, at best, hypocritical, is to be anti-American at all times. The rights of homosexuals, racial minorities, women, economic equality, freedom of the press or speech or students’ safety are only important in the United States or in an allied country. Any country that is opposed to the United States somehow gets “a pass”.

The modern left has pitted itself against America’s founders’ ideas of individualism, self-reliance, and self government by limiting the scope of government. Rabid anti-Americanism must oppose having an armed populace, as it is antithetical to their entire world view.

The Second Amendment is anathema to the left because it relies on and encourages responsibility, self reliance, self-restraint, and independence from government action. It is the ultimate expression of the individual as an autonomous unit, capable of self restraint, capable of exercising judgement, and not in need of a “lord” or “knight” or “viscount” to come and protect him from the world. That reminder to all individuals, that they are voluntary participants in a society’s government, where individuals surrender only a part of their liberty because they, themselves, are better served by surrendering that limited part, is anathema to the modern left.

Who can forget when Barack Hussein Obama famously told business owners that “they didn’t build that”? This is the viewpoint of the modern left, which includes today’s Democrat Party. To the modern leftists who call themselves “Democrats”, government has the divine right of kings and your life without government would be nasty, brutish, and short. Everything you have, including your life, is the government’s — meaning the politicians — to use as it or they see fit.

When we, as individuals, retain the right to have firearms, weapons, and to make our own choices as to when or if to use them, it flies in the face of the very core of the leftists’ belief structure. They believe they have displaced God, that they are like gods, and they jealously defend their usurped prerogative to give or take life, to use force, and that all serfs must know their place.

The Democrats know that, without school shootings or random violence, crime alone will not cause acceptance of their scheme to disarm the average citizen. After all, a moment’s rational thought would make any citizen realize that crime is more of threat when he has lost the ability to defend himself. People do not easily surrender their liberty without very good reasons. Only mass shootings can be used to attempt to hoodwink the citizenry to allow itself to be registered, catalogued, and then disarmed.

The modern anti-American left frequently uses this method to advance its covert agenda. It will reject all proposals to a problem that may actually solve the issue and will accept only the solution that advances the covert agenda. This method is apparent in other cases besides the gun issue.

Another current example is how the leftist Democrats reject any proposal to allow “dreamers” or “DACA recipients” to follow the same laws that allow for application for American citizenship which are available to any other person in the world that desires American citizenship. Such proposals are rejected because there is no desire to actually solve the problem. While such proposals may work and may be acceptable to the majority of Americans, such proposals are rejected by the leftist modern Democrat party, precisely because they do not serve the anti-American agenda.

No rational proposal will suffice because there is a different agenda at play. In the case of the “DACA kids”, the agenda is to increase the number of foreign nationals voting in American elections, who have not demonstrated the desire nor ability to attain membership in the American culture. Both are elements of the normal immigration process for foreign nationals. The modern leftist Democrats only want voters who have no interest in nor love for America’s founding ideals of individualism and self reliance.

Our readers of The Cassandra Times will now know why the leftist modern Democrats will certainly reject any possible solutions that don’t involve new “gun laws”. In the case of “school shootings”, there is no desire to discuss other workable solutions than new gun laws. The true agenda is to fool the citizenry into allowing itself to be incrementally disarmed. This is exactly why the Democrats need more dead kids.