
Welcome to The Cassandra Times.

In the not-so-distant past, educated adults studied and were knowledgeable about the mythologies as well as histories of ancient Greece and Rome, which were the Cradle of Western Civilization. An allusion to the name “Cassandra” would evoke a quick mental reference to Greek mythology. One would then recall the story of the beautiful princess of Troy who was blessed with the power to accurately foretell the future, yet cursed with people refusing to believe her. She had warned the people of her city of Troy against accepting the ruse of the Trojan Horse, a giant wooden horse given as a peace offering by the Greeks laying siege to the city. The Trojan Horse had contained hidden Greek soldiers who proceeded to open the gates of Troy to the attacking Greek army. Troy was then burned to the ground and her people were killed or enslaved.

Much of what is considered these days to be conventional wisdom may make sense on a superficial level, but it is simply not true. Like the mythological Trojan Horse, it contains a secret payload, a hidden agenda, an undisclosed financial incentive to its promoters. We, at The Cassandra Times, read the fine print, connect the dots, expose the hidden truths, and are not afraid to proclaim that the emperors of the conventional wisdom have no clothes.

Whether or not The Cassandra Times is believed is, ultimately, up to you, our readers.